Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pine Hill Orchard

If ice cream is the best dessert of summer then caramel apples are the favorite treat in fall. Seriously, fall is the only time that I actually eat an apple a day. Only when they are smothered in caramel, of course! 
On the way home from the Art Farm, last weekend, we stopped at Pine Hill Orchard, to pick some apples up. Their road side stand has definitely upgraded. The first time I was there, They sold apples from small, portable tent. Recently, their stand has become such a hit that they built a permanent building and offer space to other vendors for more tents next to the apple building.
After sampling Pine Hill's cider and fruit, we purchase a few caramel apples.  I got plain caramel. The kids had "dirt cake" style apples, which were caramel apples rolled in oreo crumbs and topped with a gummy worm. It was hard for any of us to resist eating them in the car.
Tell me, what are your favorite caramel apples. Do you like them plain and simple like me or with nuts, sprinkles, or maybe even Oreos?

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