Thursday, July 10, 2014

Easy, Mouthwatering Guacamole.

Last week I was on an avocado binge. I ate it on my toast for breakfast, in my salads for lunch, and of course I ate at least five helpings of good ole fasioned guacamole for dinner. Ok, that might be a slight exaggeration, but I do love guacamole. I can't get enough of this simple recipe. Let me know what you think of it!
Guacamole for one: 
1 avocado
1 tsp finely chopped cilantro
1 tsp fresh chives 
1 tsp diced tomato
1 small lime / half medium
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A Fish Story.

Last Saturday Mike, brimming with spontaneity, snagged us two seats on a fishing charter boat in Milwaukee.  The morning started out like a complete circus. Neither one of us heard our alarms go off so when I woke up at quarter to three (am) so all  we had time to do was jump into our clothes and race to our truck. I made it to the harbor faster than seagull eats a french fry. Seriously. We barreled onto Lakeshore drive in just about a half hour. An impressive feat considering how far away I live and how much construction is going on along the Milwaukee lake front.  After arriving fifteen minutes late, we set out to catch our limit of trout and salmon.
 The day improved quickly,  especially once I saw the sun rise over lake Michigan. It was absolutely beautiful.  Mike helped the captain set up the poles and running boards while I watched the fish locator for our potential supper. We waited patiently. Switched bait. Then waited even longer. Turns out the fish just weren't biting that day. Our catch of the day was one modest Lake Trout. But the trout, combined with the relaxing lake atmosphere, was just enough to make my morning hassle worthwhile.
Mike filleted the trout for Sunday dinner. Although I thought cooking it would be complicated, it was surprisingly simple. First he placed one fillet onto a cedar plank that had been soaking in water for a few hours. Then Mike put the whole thing onto a cookie sheet for easier handling. Finally he topped the fish with a little pepper and a few fresh lemon slices. It was the first time he had ever cooked trout this way in the oven (according to him, a grill is the best place to cook with cedar planks). The fish had to bake a little longer than We had anticipated but it was so worth it in the end. 
I can't wait to go again and catch a few salmon for the freezer!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Discovery Of Kale.

I Finally went and did it.  I bought myself some kale at the farmers market. And you know what? It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't juice it or do any of the cool ways to "hide" kale that have been all over Pinterest lately. I just cooked it the good old fashioned way by sautéing it up for lunch on Monday with an egg, spinach, mushrooms and onions. Added a dash of hot sauce and yum yum.
Which makes me wonder, what other delicious healthy foods have I been missing? Do you have any suggestions for what I should try next?

Tis The Season.

It's that time of year again! The Morels are popping! For the next few weeks we'll be in the woods almost every day looking for them. They're pretty hard to see, until you spot one. Then, suddenly you'll be able to see dozens. But you need to be very quiet and sneak up on them while you search so you don't scare them back into the ground. Then, once you spot them, you better run fast and dive for them before they suck back down into hiding.
Just kidding ;)
We took home about 50 small to medium sized morel mushrooms this weekend because it's only the beginning of the season. Some days it's possible to find twice that in one area alone.
If you're interested in hunting for Morels, the best place to start is by dead elms. Just make sure to do your research and be sure you can identify a true Morel before eating any mushrooms you find.
I like to eat mine for breakfast as the perfect compliment to asparagus in quiche. If eggs are your cup of tea, Morels are pretty good on pizza, or fry them to top a juicy steak with!
Any other recipe ideas?  Let me know. Also, feel free to share your mushrooming adventures with me.

Cozy Sunday Ginger Tea.

Sunday was the first day I've gotten to relax all day since the little one was born. The weather was so cold and blustery.  So I spent the whole day at home doing some spring cleaning. I even managed to squeeze in some time for yoga. Which was rudely interrupted when my boyfriend woke up from his nap on the couch and started laughing at the picture of me struggling in front of him. (I can't believe how out of shape I became when I was pregnant, but it's a work in progress right?)
Anyway, what could make a cozy day full of catnaps more complete than a warm glass of apple cider or a ginger tea latte?
Here's my version of a ginger tea latte. You will need; ginger tea, 1 cinnamon stick (ground was my second choice because I was out), 2 cardamom pods, several whole cloves, one star anise, a few whole black pepper corns, one tsp freshly ground nutmeg, and one tsp orange zest (I was all out of oranges today, too) and honey (try one of my favorite brands at
First heat your water and place all your loose ingredients into a tea ball. After the water has come to a boil, turn the heat down slightly and add the tea and spices. Let them steep a few minutes before removing them and stirring in your honey.
I don't like my tea to be too sweet but feel free to play with your ingredients until you find the perfect combination. That's what's so great about this recipe. It can be different every time depending on what kind of mood you're in. Just remember that a lot of the ingredients have strong flavors so a little bit of everything can go a long way!
Like my iced coffee recipe, I prefer to make my tea the night before and add a smidge of milk before I drink it in the morning. Please give it a try and let me know what you think :)

A Birthday Present From Myself.

Happy birthday to me!
You might not know it, but it was my birthday a few weeks ago. As a gift to myself I bought something I've been wanting for at least a year. A subscription to Birchbox!
I have to confess, I'd never even heard of this company until I read about them in glamour magazine. I instantly wanted to subscribe but they only have a limited number so I got stuck on a waiting list that seemed like it would last a lifetime.  How perfect was it that the day before my birthday I got an email saying I should sign up!? (Finally!) I was so excited, I couldn't waste another minute! So I headed over to their website and a few days later my first box arrived.  Tucked inside was a  pumpkin seed granola bar (which I ate almost immediately),   some CC creme, some dark purple eye liner, and a bottle of opalescent, light blue nail polish (in the photo). The great thing about these monthly packages is that, because alot of the items are samples, you don't get bored with wearing the same shades of makeup until they are gone (if you're like me).
Want to try Birchbox? Here's the link
Even if it's not your birthday,  I think you'll like it :)

A Home of My Own.

Last weekend I went fishing with my boyfriend and his brother in the Wisconsin Dells. It rained and stormed almost the whole trip. Most people wouldn't find the finicky weather ideal for a fishing trip, but it was perfect to me. There were signs of spring all throughout the rain and mist. Little pops of green buds and spongy moss were everywhere. We caught more fish than we have in awhile. Plus my boyfriend told me I look sexy in my chest waders (not an easy task to pull off in neoprene). But, most of the time, I didn't have fishing on my mind. Instead I was planning my future home.
Once again,  I seem to have caught a bad case of spring fever. All day at work I day dream about what I'd like to plant in my garden or how many chickens I should get. But, in reality, there's hardly room in our small apartment for the handful of potted herbs that I tried to grow during the winter. So lately I've been longing for a house of our own. Neither my boyfriend,  nor I expect much from a starter home. All we want is a small house on a few acres of land. Which has led me to believe a prefab home might be the way to go. Growing up, no little girl pictures a prefab home as their dream home. But the picture of a small, log cabin or cute A-frame styled home, nestled at the end of a long driveway seems ideal to me now. What do you think? Have any of you lived in a prefab house or rustic cabin? By this time next year, hopefully I will  be writing by the fireplace of my new home.

Thank God for Coffee.

 Two o'clock in the morning and I am awakened by a growing wail on the baby monitor. I get out of bed to put the pacifier back in. Then repeat the process one or two more times even though I know it won't work.
 My four month old is usually pretty good at sleeping through the night, but that certainly wasn't the case yesterday morning. Which is unfortunate for my boyfriend and coworkers because I'm terribly slow, irritable, and sometimes downright depressed when I don't get my eight hours in.
Thank God there's coffee! I've always enjoyed a good cup of coffee or tea, but motherhood has taken my caffeine consumption to a whole new level. A glass of iced coffee while I use my breast pump, or one after work, gives me just the boost I need to finish household chores. 
Fortunately for my wallet there's no coffee shop in my town, otherwise I'd be there at least four times a week. Something I certainly can't afford when my current budget doesn't even have room to buy a coffee maker. Luckily there's Instant. I know what you're thinking. Instant? Yuck! At least that was my reaction when my boyfriend made that suggestion. But trust me, you're going to be pleasantly surprised when you try it. On my days off I try to make a big pitcher to keep in the fridge for a few days, but it always seems to disappear much quicker. I've splurged and bought the Starbucks Via iced coffee packets before, but cheaper kinds can taste just as good. Try the Aldi's brand I've heard good things about it. 
Make your favorite instant coffee like the directions say. Add some sugar to taste. Then, let it cool before pouring it in a pitcher with milk. I prefer a ratio of one cup milk to one cup coffee but make it however you like it best. Next time you are feeling run down; take a break, pour yourself a glass and enjoy!