Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Favorite Cupcake Shop

My favorite cupcake store is closing in less than a week. Every time I go there I try a couple different flavors and they rarely disappoint. Today I picked lemon, hazelnut, and salted caramel (not pictured because I ate it before I could take a picture), plain chocolate and vanilla for Mike, and a root beer float for Layla (who also couldn't wait until after I took a picture). I'm going to miss them when the shop closes. I guess I will have to find a new favorite bakery or learn to make them myself.

Monday, April 27, 2015

A Mini Road Trip

Last weekend Mike, his brother Pat, and I drove down to Central Illinois to look for morel mushrooms.  We left at two in the morning so we could beat all the locals to the best spots. Contrary to the current Wisconsin weather, it was warm enough to walk around in shorts. The first place we arrived at was beautiful, all the trees are in bloom there now. We checked all the usual spots; south facing slopes, dead elms, and near creek beds and although we found two box turtles, we didn't find any mushrooms.
Our luck was the same at the next couple spots but it was ok because it was just nice to spend a full day with Mike. We stopped at a local diner for lunch and I managed to swing by a Starbucks on the way home so I could finally try the (once) new flat white. I'm definitely looking forward to taking more road trips with Mike through the years.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

New Year's Resolutions Update

If you remember, I made three New Year's resolutions this year. Now I'm already one third of the way through the year and have about a 1.5/3 success rate. Here's the breakdown.
1) Do more yoga.
I haven't been as successful as a thought I would be. Mostly because the weather has been nicer. Instead of indoor yoga, I've been opting for daily stroller walks with Layla in the spring sunshine instead. It's not yoga and probably doesn't increase my flexibility or get me closer to my handstand goal but its still just as relaxing and physically active. Plus its mich easier to do with Layla.
2) Blog more
This has probably been the most successful new goal for me. Once or twice a week, during nap time, I try to post something relevant to my life. I'm already improving. If you have any suggestions for me I'm always happy to hear them.
3) Stand up for myself more.
This one is definitely the most difficult. Unlike my first two resolutions, I haven't improved upon this very much at all. I am working less and getting more sleep, however,  so I'm altogether far less irritable. Surely this goal is going to take me more than a year to master.
What were your New Year's Resolutions? Were they successful? Let me know.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Learning to Cook, One Cookbook at a Time.

I thought I knew how to cook, until I met my husband. Tacos and vegetarian pastas aren't enough to fill him up. Not to mention he has Crohns disease so his diet is all canned french cut green beans,  refined flour, and lean meats. Pretty much the opposite of what I eat.
Mike comes from a family of great cooks. His grandma takes pride in all the blue ribbons she has won for various recipes. Holidays with his family are thusly wonderful while my meals often turn out only ok.
I know my cooking is improving,  just not as quickly as I'd like it too. I'm not scared of spices and have creativity, but lack experience  and often end up going overboard. To solve this, I finally dug all those cookbooks I've gotten for Christmas out of the cupboard. Which book should I start with?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Spring Green

The recent spring rains have encouraged my chives to have a growth spurt. At about four inches tall, these small Alliums are the first vegetable to awaken from winter. Their bright green looks so cheerful compared to the rest of my damp patio. I can't wait until I can sprinkle  some freshly picked chives over my cottage cheese for a simple snack, or to add them to all my summer salads. Just like my patio, Chives instantly perk up any simple dish without overpowering it like an onion can. Mmm, I can taste the fresh flavor already.
What is your favorite way to use chives?

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring Fishing

I haven't been fishing much this spring compared to other years. Its been hard because Mike and I work opposite shifts. We were finally able to get out tonight and do some Walleye fishing with Mike's brother. They caught a few small ones while I chased Layla around and kept her from falling into the water. Overall it was nice just to beoutside so I wrote a Haiku. Do you like it?
Fishing for walleyes
Patiently waiting to catch
tomorrow's dinner

Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Spring Shopping Trip

A few days ago, my mom and I did some some spring shopping to buy Layla an Easter dress and for some spring things to brighten up the house. There are always so many cute things in stores this time of year. Like the towels below. We loved the feminine floral pattern on the large one, and I had to get the green polkadotted hand towel because I am bunny obsessed. However, I regret not getting a beaded flower placemat that I would've used as as centerpeice. At the time I thought it would've been an impulse buy. Anyways, do you love the towels as much as I do? What spring items did you get for your home?

Asparagus Season

I love asparagus. Don't you? I love it so much that I wrote a haiku.
The tasty goodness
of your green simplicity
makes my belly sing.
Only another month until it's asparagus season here in Wisconsin.  I'm excited to go on long walks with Layla to forage for wild asparagus. Since we don't have a garden of our own, We'll probably end up robbing my mother's garden for a few of her large Martha Washingtons too.
I like asparagus best when it's kept simple. It's long stalks sauteed in olive oil with a sprinkle of salt. It's super easy to make when I feel like making a lazy dinner. How about you? How do you like your asparagus?  Does it inspire you to write poetry too?  Or do you hate it and write  other vegetable poetry instead? Either way, tell me. I'd love to hear about it.