Monday, June 1, 2015

Slow living weekend

Sometimes the best weekends are unplanned.
Our weekend started with a slow, rainy saturday. We were supposed to go up north to a family get together but the brakes on our truck broke suddenly. So Mike and I stuck close to home for the whole weekend instead. After we ran a few errands in the morning, we spent most of the day baking cookies, eating junk food, napping and sitting on the couch. Our main goal was to spend time together and not worry about bills and money. (We received a sizable medical bill earlier in the day but refused to let it, or the car troubles put us in a bad mood.)
When rain stopped in Saturday evening, we seized the opportunity to put up a new garden fence. We have to protect our newly sprouted beans and peas from the hungry deer that we sometimes catch munching on our garden late at night.
Sunday went just as well. With no vehicle and few responsibilities I was finally able to take Layla on her first bike ride this year. Rather I biked and she rode in the pull behind cart. Unsurprisingly,  she decided to take a nap. Once we were home, I let her sleep and planted some tomatoes nearby,  in containers on our patio. Mike and I plan on making lots of salsa this year with them and all the peppers we put in our garden.
Sunday dinner was just as relaxed as the rest of sunday afternoon. I packed a simple picnic lunch and we at it next to a creek in the woods. Then we went fishing until just before dark. I had alot of bites but nothing big enough to keep.

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