Monday, June 1, 2015

A month in summary: May 2015

May was full of mushrooms, flowers, sunshine, and lots of fresh air. The weather in Wisconsin has finally been warm enough to wear shorts consistently and I've been taking full advantage of it. Layla and I have been playing outside alot. She especially loves collecting rocks, playing in the water, and 'helping' in the garden. Meanwhile Mike is mourning the end of Morel mushroom season and catching bass in shallows warmed by the may sun. He is also eagerly anticipating the start of hen of the woods and chicken of the woods mushrooms.  I'm just happy to have our full garden planted. Mike helped install a tall deer defense fence to protect the tiny sprouts. I'm so proud to watch them grow and to eat my own produce in a few months.
I hope may treated you all just as well. Feel free to share your May accomplishments with me.

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