Monday, June 15, 2015

My weekend : June 13-14, 2015

Our Saturday morning included the usual country drives through the marsh followed grocery shopping. Afterwards I turned the abundance of canned beans in our pantry into a batch of satisfying calico beans. (The recipe I used can be found at (I didn't use a crock pot, and take no credit for the creation of their delicious recipe.) Later on we put black plastic between the rows of our garden keep the weeds down. Then we met some of Mike's family and went Catfishing. We caught alot of bullheads, but no large cats like we were after. After I caught a little more than a dozen before I was fished out so I spent the rest of the time roasting s'mores over the fire Pat, my brother in law, lit on the riverbank. Usually,  I look forward to eating S'mores for months and had just enough time to eat two before we got rained out. While I was roasting my last marshmallow the wind picked up and we heard thr rain coming over the water. We packed up and dashed back to the truck just as it started to pour.

Sunday had more scenic drives. We looked for new houses for sale and stopped so I could help a turtle cross the road. Then we took Layla to a nearby petting zoo. Where I injured my toe while trying to take a snapchat.  We spent the rest of the day lounging, sipping strawberry basil water (super easy to make, I cut two strawberries and a couple basil leaves and soak them for a half hour in a glass of water in the fridge), and resting my toe until my sister picked us up for a spontaneous ice cream trip to a local drive in.
Despite hurting my toe, it was the perfect, relaxing weekend.

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