Monday, June 8, 2015

My weekend: June 5-7, 2015

Started the weekend off right with a barbecue at my parents house friday night. I had an avacado burger. It really hit the spot.
Then we woke up early Saturday morning and headed to our local farmers market in search of some smoked fish. Shortly after arriving,  however,  we ran into our boss and ended up going out for breakfast with him instead. The fish will have to wait until next time but I managed to pick up a pretty pink bouquet on our way out.
Later that afternoon we went to another barbecue at an old friends house. After a few drinks and eating our fill of fresh corn on the cobb we headed to a church festival.  It was much bigger than any church festival I had ever been too. Layla rode on her first carnival rides. Her favorite was the carousel. Meanwhile Mike and the others went to watch a country band.
On Sunday I spent most of the day at a friends bridal shower. Layla was whiney from staying up too late at the carnival the night before. She couldn't sit still and kept trying to stick her finger in the frosting on the beautiful lemon poppyseed and chocolate cupcakes.  The shower was nice regardless.

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