Tuesday, April 21, 2015

New Year's Resolutions Update

If you remember, I made three New Year's resolutions this year. Now I'm already one third of the way through the year and have about a 1.5/3 success rate. Here's the breakdown.
1) Do more yoga.
I haven't been as successful as a thought I would be. Mostly because the weather has been nicer. Instead of indoor yoga, I've been opting for daily stroller walks with Layla in the spring sunshine instead. It's not yoga and probably doesn't increase my flexibility or get me closer to my handstand goal but its still just as relaxing and physically active. Plus its mich easier to do with Layla.
2) Blog more
This has probably been the most successful new goal for me. Once or twice a week, during nap time, I try to post something relevant to my life. I'm already improving. If you have any suggestions for me I'm always happy to hear them.
3) Stand up for myself more.
This one is definitely the most difficult. Unlike my first two resolutions, I haven't improved upon this very much at all. I am working less and getting more sleep, however,  so I'm altogether far less irritable. Surely this goal is going to take me more than a year to master.
What were your New Year's Resolutions? Were they successful? Let me know.

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