Saturday, April 11, 2015

Learning to Cook, One Cookbook at a Time.

I thought I knew how to cook, until I met my husband. Tacos and vegetarian pastas aren't enough to fill him up. Not to mention he has Crohns disease so his diet is all canned french cut green beans,  refined flour, and lean meats. Pretty much the opposite of what I eat.
Mike comes from a family of great cooks. His grandma takes pride in all the blue ribbons she has won for various recipes. Holidays with his family are thusly wonderful while my meals often turn out only ok.
I know my cooking is improving,  just not as quickly as I'd like it too. I'm not scared of spices and have creativity, but lack experience  and often end up going overboard. To solve this, I finally dug all those cookbooks I've gotten for Christmas out of the cupboard. Which book should I start with?

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