Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Lazy Labor Day Weekend

It may be Septemember, but it sure didnt feel like fall last weekend. Mike and I had to work Saturday but we made sure to squeeze in time for a beautiful beach day, at one of my favorite parks, before hand. We arrived at the Kohler-Andrae State Park early, before the fog cleared, which getting only three hours of sleep worthwile. The kids snoozed for most of the drive up to Sheboygan but woke immediately after I parked in our favorite spot. They didn't waste any time jumping out of the car to run, shouting, through the flock of relaxing seagulls on the beach. The Grandparents and I followed with our beach supplies, including a box of doughnuts to enjoy while listening to the waves roll into shore. Despite being overcast all day, the kids couldn't wait to get into the frigid Lake Michigan water. So Grandma watched them play while my dad and I went for a long walk down the beach until I hit my Fitbit goal. Along the way we talked about work, collected a handful of perfect lake stones to accent my potted houseplants, and rescued a few monarch butterflies. They had landed too close to the lake and were struggling to climb away from the waves. On the way back we walked on the cordwalk through the giant sand dunes. Afterwards we rushed to grill Polish brats for lunch before I hustled back to work another night shift.

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