Monday, April 27, 2015

A Mini Road Trip

Last weekend Mike, his brother Pat, and I drove down to Central Illinois to look for morel mushrooms.  We left at two in the morning so we could beat all the locals to the best spots. Contrary to the current Wisconsin weather, it was warm enough to walk around in shorts. The first place we arrived at was beautiful, all the trees are in bloom there now. We checked all the usual spots; south facing slopes, dead elms, and near creek beds and although we found two box turtles, we didn't find any mushrooms.
Our luck was the same at the next couple spots but it was ok because it was just nice to spend a full day with Mike. We stopped at a local diner for lunch and I managed to swing by a Starbucks on the way home so I could finally try the (once) new flat white. I'm definitely looking forward to taking more road trips with Mike through the years.

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